Tuesday, May 28, 2019

There Once Was a Man from Nantucket

I have never written a limerick before - I've read quite a few, some polite and others (most) not-so-polite. There are various limericks about a gentleman from Massachusetts, some concerning his family and one that most of you have probably heard (or heard about) concerning certain parts of his body.

I was in the office one day trying to figure out the best way to get a job done when the first line of the limerick popped into my head. Why? I don't know, I will leave that to the psychoanalysts out there. There are times when I am stuck on something and I can get easily distracted; this was one of those times. I was repeating the first line over and over again, There once was a man from Nantucket, but I just couldn't come up with the rest. My mind kept drifting to the infamous one.

Finally it hit me and I wrote it down.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who carried around beer in a bucket
When thirsty was he
He'd open up three
When the bucket was empty he'd chuck it

So, what do you think? How does it compare to what you know about the man from Nantucket? Can anyone else come up with a limerick using that first line? If you can, and can keep it clean, post it in the comment section below. I know there are a lot of creative writers and poets out there - let's hear from you!

    Image sources
  • https://pixabay.com/en/fish-white-marine-life-water-ocean-38064/
  • https://pixabay.com/en/character-comic-fighter-humor-1297508/
  • https://pixabay.com/en/sailor-sailing-ship-maritime-145525/
  • https://pixabay.com/en/massachusetts-state-map-geography-43766/

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