The image at the top of this post is a wide shot of the farm and battlefield. I took this photo while standing at the top of Combs Hill where the Visitor Center now sits. The house is approximately a mile away from where I was standing.
I have hiked this part of the park before and written about the other trails but I had only seen the old farmhouse from a distance. I started the hike on the Washington Trail but when I got to an opening in the fence I turned onto the Farms Trail and Colonel Cilley Trail which took me on to the Sutfin Farm and towards the old farmhouse. It is the Colonel Cilley Trail which ultimately passes by the house. I have always been struck by the weathered appearance of the house and I wanted to take a lot of photos. I took a few shots from different parts of the trail as I approached and then some up-close. As I was walking around the house looking for some interesting features to photograph I started feeling a bit uncomfortable. The house is closed up but many of the upstairs windows are without glass and there are holes in the side of the building so there are many places where you can see inside. I found myself concentrating more on what might be inside the house than I was on photographing the outside. The longer I was there, the more uncomfortable I felt. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't alone and that I was being watched.
Ridiculous! Right? Absolutely! The reality is the longer I was there, the stronger the feeling got until I couldn't stay any longer. I had to leave the house and I couldn't get away fast enough. So it was back to the Colonel Cilley Trail, heading southeast until I came to a wooden fence identical to the one along the Washington Trail behind me. This is where the Colonel Cilley Trail heads north and the Farms Trail goes south. I took the Farms Trail and followed it back to the parking lot.I couldn't stop thinking about my experience at the house and so the next day I decided to take my walk through the Sutfin Farm again, this time taking the Colonel Cilley Trail which would, once again, bring me to the Sutfin House. As I was walking along I came across a fellow hiker, a gentleman I had actually seen the day before but he was too far away to stop and chat. This time we were on the same trail heading towards each other and when we were close enough we exchanged "hello’s.” I asked him if he was on the trail yesterday and he said he was. I then asked him if he had ever experienced the sensation of being watched like I had the day before. Much to my delight, he said he had. We talked a little more and then I continued along the trail and soon found myself approaching the house. I was coming from the east whereas the day before I came to it from the west. I took some photos while approaching the house but as I drew closer the strange sensation started coming over me again and so I didn't stop until I was well past the house. I have discovered that the hiker and I are not alone - check out a great post by Patrick Browne called Monmouth Battlefield: Just Me and the Ghosts. You can also check out Chuck's Paranormal Adventures, he has done a number of investigations at Monmouth Battlefield (I participated in one and will write about that at a later date) and has some interesting observations of the Sutfin House. I have since learned that, though no one with the New Jersey Parks System or Friends of Monmouth Battlefield has experienced anything like I had, there have been recent reports of "things" from visitors.
Are there spirits walking the grounds of Monmouth Battlefield or stuck inside the Sutfin House. I don't know. I don't even know if I actually believe the possibility even exists but the bottom line is - I don't think I am going to get close to the house again unless I have others with me.
All photos are copyright Joseph S. Valencia All Rights Reserved They may not be used in any way without express written permission of the photographer. If you wish to use any of the photos you may contact the photographer at
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